-Bandages? Check. Stethoscope? Check. Dried Hyacinth petals fermented under a full moon? Triple check. Raphael Lucas is a witch doctor who used to live in a quaint rural town away from the metro, a practitioner of dark magic, for not so dark means. Regardless, it's a practice always forbidden. Tamper with enough natural laws, and you end up under the radar of bigger and badder elements. This is why he works with caution.
-Not all witch doctors are as careful as him, though, let alone just as clean. More and more young warlocks in his town jumped into the trend, some of them using it for good, but most of them using it to take advantage of everyone. It wasn't long until authorities hunted them down. Raph had to elope.
-Stepping into the city, he turned a new leaf, same cause, different clothes. He gained a paramedic certification, and depended solely on his new learnings.
-It wasn't long until he fell back. About a month into practice, he realizes he can use his talents for more efficient healings, he charmed his scalpels to work the same way his crooked knives did, his essence oils now in syringes instead of old flasks, his stethoscope enchanted to also let him hear someone's aura. All that, and a mix of modern medicine meant he could cure anything… Not that he should.
-His quieter days end on the day you meet, an apartment downtown catching fire, an ambulance on standby, and you, a firefighter, pulling all the ropes. Everyone holds the fort with their hands full, then a child's cry from inside! In a spur of emotion, Raph rushes into the fire against all your orders. And in panic, you chase him inside.
-You find them both under a fallen beam, which you carry with all your might. You huff out nearly all the air left inside you, dragging them both out the building, until just before making it, you breathe your last. Not knowing what to do, Raph decides to break one of the biggest natural laws – not to fuck with death.
-With a spell, he brings you back to life. You all get out safe. But deep inside, he knows that with the rules he's tampered with, he'll be on the Reaper's watchlist.